文部科学省科学研究費補助金 学術変革領域研究(A) 「実世界の奥深い質感情報の分析と生成」

溝上陽子さん(千葉大学大学院工学研究院、公募班 D02-3)がTU DelftのPerceptual Intelligence Lab (Pi-Lab) のセミナーで講演を行いました

溝上陽子さん(千葉大学大学院工学研究院、公募班 D02-3)が、TU DelftのPerceptual Intelligence Lab (Pi-Lab) のセミナーで講演を行いました。

日 時:2022年6月28日(火)18:00 ~19:15
場 所:オンライン Zoom
演 題:Color and material perception under naturalistic environments
概 要:
Color and material perception is influenced by viewing conditions and the surrounding environment. Object characteristics also could affect that perception. For example, we have color perception specific to facial skin. Here, I will introduce our recent research topics. The first topic is the relationship between object surface perception and illumination, mainly the effect of lighting diffuseness on the surface appearance. Glossiness and roughness perception change by lighting diffuseness and object surface shape. We further demonstrated that lighting with moderate diffuseness is suitable for reproducing an accurate or ideal surface appearance. The second topic is facial skin color perception. We showed that reddish skin looks brighter than yellowish skin, even if they have the same lightness. There was a trend that sensitivity to facial color changes in the reddish (or hemoglobin increasing) direction is better than in other color directions. These perceptions may link to the property of skin color determined by skin pigments. Our results of international comparison also suggest that other factors such as ethnicities, environments, and cultures may influence facial color perception.